Hello Blue Knight families,
It was an awesome start to our winter workout sessions. The coaching staff thought that it would be a great opportunity to express to our families the on-goings in our hitting and fielding workouts. As part of our coaches corner, parents and players are welcome to view this section of our website in order to have some insight to what you players are learning. Also, this can be an opportunity to help encourage and reinforce our message to the players on our philosophies. This is a great way to help your sons outside of their weekly workouts. Lastly, we will randomly post valuable images, videos and articles that are important to all that view. This is what they learned so far......
Hitting- Grip, Stance, Load and Finish
In fingertips, with door knocking knuckles are lined up.
In order to figure out if knuckles are lined up, here are a couple things we have them do
Once they have grip on the bat, point both index fingers. Both should be pointing forward, not crossing over.
Hold bat over head and in an ax/chopping motion, swing downward, catching the bat just before hitting the ground. At this point, the player should “feel” the bat in their fingers.
Building from the bottom up.
Feet should be about just outside shoulder width apart
Toes should be slightly pointed inward.
Athletic stance, knees bent and chin in the middle of body. Should feel weight evenly on both front and back legs/feet.
By having the front toe slightly pointed in, the player will be less apt to “open up” or pull their shoulder away from the plate, allowing them to have better coverage in order to hit the ball. The back toe will allow the player to start the load and help carry out the back hip drive as the swing begins.
Bat should be held around shoulder level, in a relaxed position. Elbow also in a relaxed position, not normally up or pointed straight back. By being relaxed, it allows for players to stay relaxed and begin the loading process.
The load is the process that allows players to get in rhythm with the pitcher.
It also allows the hitter to get his hands and body in motion in order to make solid contact with the pitch.
The player should feel a “separation” as their hands slightly move back, “showing” the knob of the bat backs towards the catchers mitt. As the separation begins,the front foot should slightly stride towards the pitcher.
After this, this will help engage the hip drive.
On the start of the swing, the knob of the bat drives back towards the pitcher, allowing the barrel to follow.
As the swing is happening, the back elbow should “tuck” close to the body, creating a strong “L” with the backside arm. This allows for the player to have a short, compact swing.
As the barrel is extending through the hitting zone, the back foot will help the hip drive by pivoting up onto the toe, finishing off the swing.
Flip Drill
With a ball in hand, player should hold throwing side elbow on top of glove at shoulder level. They should practice snapping wrist and fingers forward towards target, almost as if they are poking them in the eyes.
This teaches the player this is how they finish off their throws. Also, they are working on 4 seam grip and accuracy when finishing.
Y Drill
Facing sideways, player will move from V slot position with their arms. (Ball/glove is under chin, elbows down in a relaxed position.) to the Y position. The front arm is the players "steering wheel" showing elbow/forearm towards target. Throwing side arm makes a small half circle, working down to up. Elbow will come up to shoulder level, showing the baseball away from throwing target.
By showing the ball forward, it becomes a pushing motion, not allowing the ball to have maximum velocity and "carry" on the ball.
Approach and presentation to groundball
Pre-pitch to pitch motion should be "prep steps" having feet move getting ready to move in any direction in order to field ball.
As ball gets into hitting zone, player should make a small hop, allowing them to stay athletic on the balls of their feet, not landing flat footed or in their heels.
This will allow them to react to the speed and direction of the baseball.
As they approach the ball, player should move slightly to the right of the ball, allowing them to read the speed and hops of the ball. This is also because the majority of the movements is towards the right side of the field, either towards 1st or 2nd base. The ball should be fielded with a right step, left step and present the glove to the ball, with a slight pushing out motion, allowing them to come through the ball, with hands at 7 and 2 on clock positions. Once fielded, the ball should be funneled into chest getting into V slot position. As they move towards the target, players should use back toe to front heel motion and step to target. Left handed players do everything in reverse.
Drills- All drills start with approach explained above, All done with 100% game intent
Attacking One Handed Drill
Attacking a ball in front to their glove hand and backhand
Same as above, focus being on the crossover step, present glove opened to ball with proper body posture. This should be done in both directions.
Drop step
Same as above, focus on drop step on an angle, present glove opened to ball with proper body posture. This should be done working on drop step with both right and left leg.
Shuffle Drill
Approach normal 2 hand groundball in between feet, funnel and shuffle approximately 5 yards as explained above.
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